Frequently Asked Questions

QUL is a comprehensive platform for Quranic resources. Whether you're a researcher, developer, or someone seeking to deepen your understanding of the Quran, QUL offers valuable tools and data to support your work. Below, you'll find answers to some of the most common questions about QUL. If you don't find what you're looking for, Feel free to reach out to us by creating new issue on GitHub page.

What is QUL

Quranic Universal Library (QUL) is a platform for managing Quranic resources. It has three core components:

  • Quranic Resources: One of the biggest collection of Quranic resources available for download in various formats.
  • Tools for Resource Creation and Fixing: Tools that enable users to create new content or fix issues in existing resources.
  • Admin Panel: An admin panel that allows for content moderation, provides various utilities for exporting content in custom formats, facilitates browsing through resources, manages users and permissions, and much more.
Who is behind QUL?

QUL is proudly developed by Tarteel. For a full list of contributors and credits, please visit our Credits Page

What kind of resources are available on QUL?

QUL offers a wide range of Quranic resources for researchers, students, and developers. These resources support building Quranic applications, training or enhancing AI models, conducting scholarly research on the Quran, and much more. These resources includes:

    • Quran Scripts & Fonts: Quranic script, and images available for each ayah and word, some script has tajweed support too.
    • Translations: Comprehensive list ayah-by-ayah and word-by-word translations in multiple languages.
    • Recitations:
    • Tafsirs:
    • Mushaf Layouts:
    • Mutashabihat & Similar Ayahs:
    • Surah Information:
    • Topics and Themes:
    • Grammar and Quranic Corpus Data:
What is the process for submitting corrections or updates to the data?

You can submit corrections or updates using one of the following methods:

  1. Open a New Issue on GitHub: Visit our GitHub page(link) and create a new issue to report the correction.
  2. Request Permission within QUL: If you need direct access to edit the resource, request permission within QUL. To request permission to edit a resource, visit the tools(link) page, select the relevant resource type, and click on the "Send Access Request" button. Once your request is approved, you will gain the ability to update the content directly within QUL.
What is the process for submitting a new translation/tafisr/reciter?

To submit a new translation, tafsir, or reciter, please create a new issue on Github. Provide all necessary details, including the source, author information, and licensing details. We will review your submission and consider it for inclusion in our collection.

How can I ensure that the information is accurate?

QUL strives for accuracy by sourcing data from reliable and reputable sources. However, we rely on users to help identify any issues. You can cross-check the information with other trusted sources and report any discrepancies to us. We regularly review and update the data, and user contributions play a significant role in maintaining its accuracy.

Why is this translation/tafsir/reciter/layout that I know of not included in QUL?

QUL continuously expands its collection of resources. If you notice a missing resource, feel free to suggest it, and we will assess its inclusion in future updates.

What export formats are available for translations?

All translations are available in JSON and SQLite database formats. Additionally, all translations are exported using two structures:

  • Nested Array Structure: Translations are organized by Surah, with each Surah represented as an array containing translations for each Ayah. Example:
      ["translation of 1:1", "translation of 1:2"],
      ["translation of 2:1"]
  • Key-Value Structure: In this structure, translations are stored as key-value pairs, where the key is the Ayah reference(i.e 1:1 ), and the value is the translation of the ayah. Example:
      "1:1": "translation of 1:1",
      "1:2": "translation 1:2",
      "114:6": "translation of 114:6"

Translations with footnotes are available in following structure:

  • Footnotes as Tags Format: In this format, footnotes are embedded directly within the translation text using a <sup> tag with a foot_note attribute. The actual footnote content is stored separately in the f hash, keyed by the footnote ID. Example:
      "88:17": {
        "t": "Do the disbelievers not see how rain clouds are formed <sup foot_note=\\"77646\\">1</sup>",
        "f": {
          "77646": "The word ibl can mean 'camel' as well as 'rain cloud'. However, the latter is better in this context amongst all the other geographical images presented. Rain is often used to illustrate the concept of resurrection."
  • Inline Footnote Format: In this format, footnotes are included directly within the translation text, wrapped in double square brackets. Example:
      "88:17": "Do the disbelievers not see how rain clouds are formed [[The word ibl can mean 'camel' as well as 'rain cloud'. However, the latter is better in this context amongst all the other geographical images presented. Rain is often used to illustrate the concept of resurrection.]]"
  • Text Chunks Format: In this format, the translation text is divided into chunks. Each chunk can be either a simple text string or a hash reference to footnote content. This structure is particularly useful for native apps where rendering HTML is not feasible.
      "88:17": {
        "t": [
          "Do the disbelievers not see how rain clouds are formed ",
          {"f": 1}
        "f": {
          "1": "The word ibl can mean 'camel' as well as 'rain cloud'. However, the latter is better in this context amongst all the other geographical images presented. Rain is often used to illustrate the concept of resurrection."
Can I use the data in a commercial project?

Yes, you can use QUL data in commercial projects, but please review the licensing terms of each resource. Some data may have restrictions or require attribution, while others are freely available for commercial use.

How can I get alerted if corrections are made to the data?

If you have downloaded a resource from QUL, we will notify you via email whenever that resource is updated.

Does QUL has hadits data

Currently, QUL focuses primarily on Quranic resources. While we do not offer hadith data at this time, we'll explore options for expanding our platform to include hadith collections in the future. In the meantime, we recommend using for reliable hadith collections and access to their API for integrating hadith data into your projects

Does QUL has an api?

Currently, QUL does not have an API available. However, we recognise the potential benefits of providing API access for developers and other users who want to integrate Quranic resources into their projects. We are exploring the possibility of adding an API in the future to make it easier to access and utilize these resources programmatically. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to enhance QUL’s capabilities.

Which Qirats are currently available on QUL?

All translations, Quran scripts, and recitations available on QUL are based on the Hafs narration. We will be expanding to include other Qirats in the future.

Are the resources in QUL copyrighted? Do I need to include attribution to an individual or organization when using them?

The resources available on QUL vary in terms of copyright status. Some are in the public domain, while others may be subject to specific licenses. We recommend checking the licensing information provided by the resource author before use.

How can I contribute?

You can contribute to QUL by submitting new resources, by suggesting corrections, or sharing your expertise in reviewing existing data. We also welcome developers who want to help improve the platform.