Quranic Universal Library, is the largest library of Quranic content available for download. Build amazing projects using these invaluable resources.

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Please be aware that the data available on this page is sourced from various external resources and may contain errors or inaccuracies. While we strive to provide accurate and reliable information, we cannot guarantee the completeness or correctness of all content.

Additionally, no translation of the Qur’an can fully capture the transcendent meanings of its miraculous text. Despite every effort to ensure accuracy, translations are inherently limited by the translators’ understanding and knowledge. Therefore, errors or omissions may still be present. The translations provided here are the result of human endeavor and should be used as a reference rather than a definitive interpretation.

If you find any issues with the resources provided, please report them to us here. Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve the quality and accuracy of the Quranic content.