Text: ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ
Root: ص ل و (99)
Lemma: صلواة (83)
Stem: صلواة (47)

The fifth word of verse (2:3) is a feminine noun and is in the accusative case (منصوب). The noun's triliteral root is ṣād lām wāw (ص ل و).

Case Reason:
Grammar pattern:
Base word pattern:
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Position Text POS Tags Root Lemma Actions
1 ٱل P - determiner DET,PREF ال Show
2 صَّلَوٰةَ N - noun F,ACC صلو صَلاة Show

Verb Forms

Name Value Action
perfect صَلّٰى
imperfect يُصَلِّى
imperative صَلِّ
active_participle مُصَلٍّ
passive_participle مُصَلًّى
verbal_noun تَصْلِيَة
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