The Mushaf Layout refers to the structured data of pages in any Mushaf (printed copy of the Quran).
Layout data is essential for rendering Mushaf pages in digital applications and tools. QUL provides a Mushaf Layout Tool that allows you to design layouts for any Mushaf. Layout data is then exported as downloadable Sqlite or json files.
To render a Mushaf layout, you'll need the following resources:
1- Mushaf layout The exported SQLite database includes a pages
table that contains data for each line on a page. The table has the following structure:
Column | Description |
page_number |
The number of the page in the Mushaf. |
line_number |
The line number on the page. |
line_type |
Specifies the type of line, possible value for line_type could be:
is_centered |
A boolean value indicating whether the text on the line should be center-aligned(true) or fully justified(false). |
first_word_id |
The ID of the first word on this line. |
last_word_id |
The ID of the last word on this line. |
surah_number |
Identifies the Surah displayed on this line. |
2- Quran script exported database includes a words
table with following columns
Column | Description |
word_index |
The unique ID for each word. This id is referenced in first_word_id and last_word_id in pages table in mushaf layout db |
word_key |
Uniq word key in Surah:Ayah format |
surah |
Surah number |
ayah |
Ayah number. |
text |
Word text that you'll need to render. |
To render a page of the Mushaf, follow these general steps:
table in the layout SQLite database to retrieve the necessary details for each line on the page (including the page_number
, line_number
, line_type
, etc.).line_type
, determine the content to render:
is surah_name, render the Surah name on this line. surah_number
filed contain the surah id you need to render .line_type
is ayah, retrieve the words between first_word_id
and last_word_id
from the words
table and render those words in order(or concatenate them to form the single string and render it).line_type
is basmallah, display the Bismillah on this line.is_centered
field).Click on Run
button to see the preview
const SurahNames = {
1: "الفاتحة"
const pageData = [
{ line_number: 1, line_type: 'surah_name', is_centered: true, first_word_id: null, last_word_id: null, surah_number: 1 },
{ line_number: 2, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 1, last_word_id: 5, surah_number: null },
{ line_number: 3, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 6, last_word_id: 10, surah_number: null },
{ line_number: 4, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 11, last_word_id: 17, surah_number: null },
{ line_number: 5, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 18, last_word_id: 23, surah_number: null },
{ line_number: 6, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 24, last_word_id: 29, surah_number: null },
{ line_number: 7, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 30, last_word_id: 33, surah_number: null },
{ line_number: 8, line_type: 'ayah', is_centered: true, first_word_id: 34, last_word_id: 36, surah_number: null }
const wordData = {
"1": "بِسۡمِ",
"6": "ٱلۡحَمۡدُ",
"11": "ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ",
"14": "مَٰلِكِ",
"18": "إِيَّاكَ",
"23": "ٱهۡدِنَا",
"27": "صِرَٰطَ",
"2": "ٱللَّهِ",
"7": "لِلَّهِ",
"12": "ٱلرَّحِيمِ",
"15": "يَوۡمِ",
"19": "نَعۡبُدُ",
"24": "ٱلصِّرَٰطَ",
"28": "ٱلَّذِينَ",
"3": "ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ",
"8": "رَبِّ",
"13": "٣",
"16": "ٱلدِّينِ",
"20": "وَإِيَّاكَ",
"25": "ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ",
"29": "أَنۡعَمۡتَ",
"4": "ٱلرَّحِيمِ",
"9": "ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ",
"17": "٤",
"21": "نَسۡتَعِينُ",
"26": "٦",
"30": "عَلَيۡهِمۡ",
"5": "١",
"10": "٢",
"22": "٥",
"31": "غَيۡرِ",
"32": "ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ",
"33": "عَلَيۡهِمۡ",
"34": "وَلَا",
"35": "ٱلضَّآلِّينَ",
"36": "٧"
function getWords(firstWordId, lastWordId) {
return Object.entries(wordData)
.map(([key, value]) => ({ id: Number(key), text: value })) // Convert keys to numbers
.sort((a, b) => - // Sort by word ID
.filter(word => >= firstWordId && <= lastWordId) // Filter by range
.map(word => word.text) // Extract text values
.join(' ');
function getSurahName(number) {
return `سورۃ ${SurahNames[number]}`;
function renderPage() {
const pageElement = document.getElementById('run-preview');
pageElement.innerHTML = '';
pageElement.classList.add('qpc-hafs'); // Use QPC Hafs font
pageData.forEach(line => {
let lineElement = document.createElement('div');
if (line.is_centered) { = 'center'; = 'flex'; = 'center';
switch (line.line_type) {
case 'surah_name':
lineElement.innerHTML = getSurahName(line.surah_number);
case 'ayah':
lineElement.innerHTML = `${getWords(line.first_word_id, line.last_word_id)}`;
case 'basmallah':
lineElement.innerHTML = '﷽';