Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 7:46

Translation for 7:46

There will be a barrier between Paradise and Hell. And on the heights ˹of that barrier˺ will be people1 who will recognize ˹the residents of˺ both by their appearance.2 They will call out to the residents of Paradise, “Peace be upon you!” They will have not yet entered Paradise, but eagerly hope to.

Foot notes


 Although the word “rijâl” generally means “men,” some Quran commentators believe that the word “rijâl” here can also mean “people,” but they are called men since men make up the majority in the group. In some Arabic dialects, “rijâl” is the plural of “rajul” (man) and “rajulah” (woman).


 The faces of the residents of Paradise will be bright, whereas those of the residents of Hell will be gloomy.