Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 8:7

Translation for 8:7

˹Remember, O  believers,˺ when Allah promised ˹to give˺ you the upper hand over either target, you wished to capture the unarmed party.1 But it was Allah’s Will to establish the truth by His Words and uproot the disbelievers;

Foot notes


 After many years of persecution in Mecca, the Prophet (ﷺ) and many of his early followers decided to emigrate secretly to Medina, about 250 miles to the north, leaving behind their homes and valuables, which were soon taken over by the pagans of Mecca. To avenge  this financial loss, the Prophet (ﷺ) decided to capture an unarmed Meccan trade caravan headed by Abu Sufyân, a Meccan chief. Eventually, the caravan escaped, but the Meccans mobilized an army of over 1000 well-armed soldiers, more than three times the size of the Muslim force. Many Muslims had hoped to capture the caravan without having to meet the Meccan army in battle. Although the Muslims were vastly outnumbered and lightly-armed, they still won this decisive battle.