Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 9:107

Translation for 9:107

There are also those ˹hypocrites˺ who set up a mosque ˹only˺ to cause harm, promote disbelief, divide the believers, and as a base for those who had previously fought against Allah and His Messenger.1 They will definitely swear, “We intended nothing but good,” but Allah bears witness that they are surely liars.

Foot notes


 Abu ’Âmer Ar-Râhib was a monk who fought against Muslims at the Battle of Badr. He ordered a group of twelve hypocrites to build a mosque near the Mosque of Qubâ', the first mosque built by Muslims and also where the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions would pray. The new mosque, commonly referred to as Masjid Aḍ-Ḍirâr (Mosque of Harm), was intended to attract other hypocrites and reduce the number of Muslims who prayed at Qubâ'. The hypocrites who built the mosque also anticipated the arrival of Abu ’Âmer with Roman forces to expel the Prophet (ﷺ) and Muslims out of Medina. Upon a request from these hypocrites, the Prophet (ﷺ) had planned to visit the new mosque once he returned from Tabûk, but verses 107-110 of this sûrah were revealed, warning the Prophet (ﷺ) against that mosque. According to some narrations, the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered this mosque to be burned down.