Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 10:98

Translation for 10:98

If only there had been a society which believed ˹before seeing the torment˺ and, therefore, benefited from its belief, like the people of Jonah.1 When they believed, We lifted from them the torment of disgrace in this world and allowed them enjoyment for a while.2 

Foot notes


 i.e., until the end of their term.


 Initially, the people of Jonah rejected his message. When he was told they would be punished after three days for their defiance, he left his city without Allah’s permission before its destruction. Jonah’s people became convinced that they were going to be destroyed when he left them and they saw signs of the imminent torment, so they felt remorseful and cried out for forgiveness before the coming of the punishment. Therefore, Allah accepted their repentance and the torment was retracted.