Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 21:79

Translation for 21:79

We guided ˹young˺ Solomon to a fairer settlement,1 and granted each of them wisdom and knowledge. We subjected the mountains as well as the birds to hymn ˹Our praises˺ along with David. It is We Who did ˹it all˺.

Foot notes


 A man’s flock of sheep strayed into another man’s vineyard, eating and destroying all his produce. When the two men came to David for judgment, he ruled that the shepherd must give his animals to the vineyard owner in compensation for the damage. On their way out, the two men met young Solomon and the shepherd complained to him. Solomon discussed the case with his father, and suggested that the sheep should be kept with the man who lost his produce so he may benefit from their milk and wool, while the shepherd worked on the farm to restore it to its original state. Eventually the famer would take back his farm in perfect condition, and the sheep would be returned to the shepherd. David was impressed by his son’s insight and approved his fair judgment immediately.