Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 28:44

Translation for 28:44

You were not there ˹O Prophet˺ on the western side of the mountain when We entrusted the Commandments to Moses, nor were you present ˹in his time˺.1

Foot notes


 The pagans are reminded repeatedly in the Quran that the Prophet (ﷺ) did not witness any of these events that happened centuries before he was born. For example, the conspiracies that were made against Joseph (12:102), the dispute on who should be the guardian of young Mary (3:44), and the drowning of Noah’s son in the Flood (11:49). These details were not known to Arabs before the revelation of the Quran. So the only logical way that the Prophet (ﷺ) knew about these stories is through divine revelation.