Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 39:74

Translation for 39:74

The righteous will say, “Praise be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise to us, and made us inherit the ˹everlasting˺ land1 to settle in Paradise wherever we please.” How excellent is the reward of those who work ˹righteousness˺!

Foot notes


 This is emphasized in 21:105. The meaning is that Allah will award Paradise to the believers to be its residents forever. Some commentators say that the word “inherit” is used because of the understanding that when Allah created Paradise and Hell, He made places for all of humanity in both. Those who will go to Paradise will inherit the spots of the disbelievers who chose misguidance (which leads to Hell), and those who will go to Hell will inherit the spots of those who chose guidance (which leads to Paradise).