Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran - 40:55

Translation for 40:55

So be patient ˹O Prophet˺, ˹for˺ Allah’s promise is certainly true. Seek forgiveness for your shortcomings.1 And glorify the praises of your Lord morning and evening.

Foot notes


 Like other prophets, Muḥammad (ﷺ) was infallible of sin. The verse here refers to misjudgments, such as the Prophet’s response to the blind man (80:1-10), Jonah’s departure from his city without Allah’s permission (21:87-88), and David’s suspicions of the two men who scaled the wall of his sanctuary (38:21-25). If the Prophet (ﷺ) himself is urged to seek forgiveness, then the believers are even more in need of praying for Allah’s forgiveness.