Urdu word-by-word translation for Az-Zukhruf ayah 76

Translation progress

Word list with translation

Word id IndoPak text En translation Urdu Translation Proofreading
1 وَمَا And not اور نہیں
2 ظَلَمۡنٰهُمۡ We wronged them ظلم کیا ہم نے ان پر
3 وَ لٰـكِنۡ but لیکن
4 كَانُوۡا they were تھے وہ
5 هُمُ themselves وہی
6 الظّٰلِمِيۡنَ‏ wrongdoers ظالم
7 ٧٦ (76) (۷۶)