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Ayah translations in various languages


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Suliman Kanti

Ayah by Ayah

Bayanul Furqan(Koshur Quran)

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Sarwar

Ayah by Ayah

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Ayah by Ayah

Gordy Semyonovich Sablukov

Ayah by Ayah

Moore rwwad

Ayah by Ayah

Abul Ala Maududi(Roman Urdu)

Ayah by Ayah

Magomed-Nuri Osmanovich Osmanov

Ayah by Ayah

Professor Shaykh Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Asad

Ayah by Ayah

Abu Bakr Ibrahim Ali (Bakurube)

Ayah by Ayah

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Ayah by Ayah

A. J. Arberry

Ayah by Ayah

Sheikh Haroun Ismaeel

Ayah by Ayah

Baba Mamady Jani

Ayah by Ayah

Ikirundi gehiti

Ayah by Ayah

Ruwwad Center

Ayah by Ayah

Dr. T. B. Irving

Ayah by Ayah

Abdullah Basamia

Ayah by Ayah

Bulgarian Translation

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Saleh

Ayah by Ayah

Mawlawi Muhammad Anwar Badkhashani

Ayah by Ayah

Dar Al-Salam Center

Ayah by Ayah

Dar Al-Salam Center

Ayah by Ayah

Il-Qoran Imqaddes

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Hamidullah

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Hamidullah’s French Translation, Revised By the King Fahd Complex (2000)

Muhammad Hamidullah’s French translation was published in 1959 and produced in collaboration with the translator and historian of religions Michel Léturmy (1921-2002). The text has been re-edited a dozen times between its first publication date and the year 2000.

Hamidullah was born on 19th February 1908, in Hyderabad, a former Muslim principality and present capital city of the Indian state of Telangana. He came from a family of Sunni Muslim scholars, and began studying Islamic sciences at the al-Ǧāmi‘a al-Niẓāmiyya theological institute, a higher education establishment devoted to denominational education, founded in 1876. He then studied at the ‘Uṯmaniyya university, also in Hyderabad, where he got a degree in International Islamic law. He also received the title of ḥāfiẓ (“حافظ”) awarded to those who memorized the entire Qur’ān. His university sent him to Germany for his research; and in 1932, Hamidullah defended a PhD dissertation on “The Principle of Neutrality in International Muslim Law” (“Die Neutralität im Islamischen Völkerrecht”) at the University of Bonn. Three years later, he obtained another doctorate in Literature from the Sorbonne University for a dissertation entitled: “Documents on Muslim Diplomacy at the Time of the Prophet and Orthodox Khalifs” (“Documents sur la diplomatie musulmane à l’époque du Prophète et des Khalifes orthodoxes”). Hamidullah then returned to the Indian subcontinent to teach Islamic law at his former university, but his opposition to the annexation of Hyderabad by the new Indian state obliged him to go into exile in Paris in 1948, where he stayed until 1996.

Hindi wbw translation

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Persian wbw translation

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English wbw translation

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Urdu wbw translation

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Bengali wbw translation

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French wbw translation

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Indonesian wbw translation

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Tamil wbw translation

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Turkish wbw translation

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Ayah by Ayah

Muhsin Khan

Ayah by Ayah

Dr. Ghali

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Spanish Translation(Cortes)

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Hausa Translation(Abubakar Gumi)

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Malay Translation(Abdul Hameed and Kunhi)

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Józef Bielawski

Ayah by Ayah

Portuguese Translation( Samir )

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Russian Translation ( Elmir Kuliev )

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Knut Bernström

Ayah by Ayah

Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Burhan Muhammad-Amin

Ayah by Ayah

English Translation (Pickthall)

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Alikhan Musayev

Ayah by Ayah

Turkish Translation(Diyanet)

Ayah by Ayah

Ministry of Awqaf, Egypt

Ayah by Ayah

Abu Adel

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Karakunnu and Vanidas Elayavoor

Ayah by Ayah

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Ayah by Ayah

Albanian Translation

Ayah by Ayah

Muslim Shahin

Ayah by Ayah

Ahl Al-Hadith Central Society of Nepal

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Makin

Ayah by Ayah

Ghali Apapur Apaghuna

Ayah by Ayah

Shaban Britch

Ayah by Ayah

Khalifah Altai

Ayah by Ayah

Zakaria Abulsalam

Ayah by Ayah

Ayah by Ayah

Besim Korkut

Ayah by Ayah

Cambodian Muslim Community Development

Ayah by Ayah

Abdul Hameed Baqavi

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Saleh Bamoki

Ayah by Ayah

Sofian S. Siregar

Ayah by Ayah

Jan Trust Foundation

Ayah by Ayah

Chinese Translation (Simplified) - Ma Jain

Ayah by Ayah

Fe Zilal al-Qur'an

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Taisirul Quran

Ayah by Ayah

Rawai Al-bayan

Ayah by Ayah

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Ayah by Ayah


Ayah by Ayah

Hussein Taji Kal Dari

Ayah by Ayah

Ryoichi Mita

Ayah by Ayah

Muhamed Mehanović

Ayah by Ayah

Frank Bubenheim and Nadeem

Ayah by Ayah

Ruwwad Center

Ayah by Ayah

Dar Al-Salam Center

Ayah by Ayah

Abu Reda Muhammad ibn Ahmad

Ayah by Ayah

Othman al-Sharif

Ayah by Ayah

Dar Al-Salam Center

Ayah by Ayah

Dar Al-Salam Center

Ayah by Ayah

Saeed Sato

Ayah by Ayah

Dr. Mikhailo Yaqubovic

Ayah by Ayah

Hamed Choi

Ayah by Ayah

Hasan Abdul-Karim

Ayah by Ayah

Pioneers of Translation Center

Ayah by Ayah

Khalifa Altay

Ayah by Ayah

Abdul-Hamid Haidar & Kanhi Muhammad

Ayah by Ayah

Maulana Abder-Rahim ibn Muhammad

Ayah by Ayah

Rabila Al-Umry

Ayah by Ayah

Ruwwad Center

Ayah by Ayah

Muhammad Shafi’i Ansari

Ayah by Ayah

Sheikh Omar Sharif bin Abdul Salam

Ayah by Ayah

Society of Institutes and Universities

Ayah by Ayah

Dr. Abdullah Muhammad Abu Bakr and Sheikh Nasir Khamis

Ayah by Ayah

African Development Foundation

Ayah by Ayah

Fatah Muhammad Jalandhari

Ayah by Ayah

Malak Faris Abdalsalaam

Ayah by Ayah

Ramdane At Mansour

Ayah by Ayah

Tzvetan Theophanov

Ayah by Ayah

Taj Mehmood Amroti

Ayah by Ayah

Office of the president of Maldives

Ayah by Ayah

Helmi Nasr

Ayah by Ayah

Fathul Majid

Ayah by Ayah

Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih

Ayah by Ayah

Mahmud Muhammad Abduh

Ayah by Ayah

Thai Translatio (King Fahad Quran Complex)

Ayah by Ayah

Elmalili Hamdi Yazir

Ayah by Ayah

Sadiq and Sani

Ayah by Ayah

Dr. Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakaria

Ayah by Ayah